What We Do

We work with a variety of clients internationally on platforms like Digital Banking, eGovernment and Asset Management. We commit to making the digitization and the digitalization of their product.

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Our warriors. With a sword and laptop, we are always ready to fight and defeat all the adversities we face. 

Why we make a difference?

Collaboration. We make a difference because we will work closely throughout the project with you.

What makes the difference?

Focus. Ambition. Motivation.
We have the same purpose, the same goal, the same vibe.

Our solutions

Digital Banking

We help Financial Institutions to modernise their current banking offering into modern digital channels. We integrate these applications into our omnichannel digital banking platform for a perfect integration.

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Our Insurance solution Platform was built using modern technologies in order to provide users of insurance institutions with maximum security and performance. All modules are integrated with our Digital Insurance Platform for a perfect omnichannel experience. 
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The MobilityHub runs on standardized data formats, like GTFS, ensuring all stakeholders see MobilityHub best-in-class information wherever they access their information, including passenger-facing apps, third-party solutions, or the MobilityHub platform itself.
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We create Digital Channels that allow citizens to interact with government services fast and safely by providing a set of management tools that allow control and decision making based on real-time information.

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360 Analytics

360 Analytics is a complete analytics tool that allows all areas of your organization to check technical, usability, and product information in real time. A fundamental tool to gain insights and leverage business, either in terms of technical or sales improvements. 

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Content Hub

Content Management Hub is an application that allows you to create, edit, and publish content on digital platforms, giving you the ability to modify, remove, and add to it without the need for any development.

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A Personal Journey: Pedro Camacho Linux Containers Experience
May 08, 2024
A Personal Journey: Pedro Camacho Linux Containers Experience
My name is Pedro Camacho . I'm a software engineer with over two decades of experience and currently the co-founder and CEO of Nearsoft, a tech company specializing in developing and managing digital banking platforms across multiple countries. I've decided to share some key moments that contributed to Nearsoft's success. The first significant event occurred in 2013. I discovered the power of Linux Containers, using Docker, Inc , which transformed my approach to software development, particularly regarding maintenance, deployment, and architecture. Discovering Docker: A Game-Changing Eureka Moment Having seen Solomon Hykes first presentation of Docker, Inc at PyCon 2013, its potential blew me away. I immediately started following the GitHub project and began using Docker in every possibleapplication.  When I found Nearsoft in 2017, containerization became a fundamental part of our software development approach. Every software package was containerized from day one, and Docker, Inc played an integral role in our success and agility. Its ability to streamline deployment, testing, and scaling allowed us to build faster, adapt quickly to change, and consistently deliver high-quality software to our clients. The Docker Revolution: Transforming DevOps and Software Architecture The software development landscape has undergone significant transformations over the past decade, with DevOps practices rising to prominence and Docker emerging as a game-changer.Docker, an open-source platform for automating application deployment via containerization, has profoundly influenced the way we architect software. By offering lightweight, portable, and consistent environments for applications, Docker has revolutionized DevOps and reshaped modern software architecture. Let's explore how Docker has contributed to this transformation. The Evolution of DevOps Before delving into Docker's impact, it's essential to understand DevOps. DevOps is a set of practices that unify software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops), promoting collaboration and efficiency. It emphasizes automation, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), and a culture of shared responsibility. However, achieving these goals can be challenging without the right tools. This is where Docker comes in. Docker: A Brief Overview Docker introduced the concept of containerization to the mainstream, allowing developers to package applications and their dependencies into standardized units called containers. These containers run consistently across various environments, reducing the "it works on my machine" problem. Docker containers are lightweight and fast to start, making them ideal for dynamic, scalable systems. Docker's Impact on DevOps 1. Consistency Across Environments Docker ensures that applications behave the same way across different environments. Whether it's a developer's laptop, a test environment, or a production server, containers deliver consistent performance. This removes environment-specific issues that frequently hinder development and deployment. 2. Simplified Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Docker seamlessly integrates with CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated testing and deployment of applications. Developers can build, test, and ship code faster, reducing cycle times and increasing the frequency of releases. Automated testing inside containers also leads to higher-quality code. 3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Alignment Docker aligns well with the IaC philosophy. With Docker Compose, developers can define multi-container applications as code, specifying services, networks, and volumes in simple configuration files. This approach ensures reproducibility and simplifies version control for infrastructure. 4. Microservices Architecture The rise of microservices architecture, where applications are built as a collection of loosely coupled services, has been accelerated by Docker. Containers offer isolation, scalability, and rapid deployment, all of which are crucial for microservices. Teams can deploy individual services independently and use orchestration tools like Kubernetes to manage them. 5. Resource Efficiency and Scalability Containers are lightweight compared to virtual machines, reducing resource consumption. Docker containers can be scaled horizontally, making them suitable for cloud-native applications. Organizations can optimize infrastructure costs while maintaining performance. 6. Security Improvements While containers present new security challenges, they also offer benefits. Docker provides isolation between applications, reducing the impact of a compromised component. Additionally, Docker's security features and best practices, such as image signing and scanning, help safeguard containerized applications. Conclusion The Docker, Inc revolution has fundamentally altered how software is developed, deployed, and managed. By providing a consistent and efficient environment for applications, Docker has become indispensable in DevOps practices. It empowers teams to innovate faster, deliver better software, and adapt to ever-evolving business needs. As organizations continue to embrace microservices, cloud computing, and CI/CD pipelines, Docker will remain at the forefront of this transformative journey, enabling the next generation of software architecture.
Pedro Camacho
CEO & Co-founder